How to format a CV?

This guide will teach you how to format a CV, from the document's layout to what content should go where. It's important that your CV is in order and flawless, as this is an essential part of applying for jobs. For your resume to be accepted by employers, it must be well-written and ready for the interview! This guide will take you through each step of formatting your CV.

Tip: The jobseeker's role is essential in a process that will help a company to decide whether or not to recruit. So don't leave anything behind, make sure your CV is perfect.
Step 1: Researching the Job You Want
Finding a job once you are comfortable with the things you're already doing may be easy; however doing it as a beginner can seem hard and intimidating . As such, you need to start doing research at the earliest stages of your career. Gather information from your friends, family and online sources (your company's human resources or recruitment website) to find out if a specific job exists. Interviews online are also a great source for finding out more information.
If you are a beginner you should first find a job that is within your field of experience, something that you know you will be able to handle. If not, check if the information given by your friends or family is up-to-date.
Learn everything you can about your dream job: the responsibilities included and its demands (e.g paying overtime).
Tip: If the job includes caring for children, ask around with people you trust and see if it's what they do.


Tips for CV format:


1. Choose a standard font such as "Times New Roman", "Calibri","Verdana" or "Candara".
2. Font size should be at least 12 points.
3. Use of section headers (e.g Education, skills, Experience) is encouraged, as they break up the CV into easily read chunks.
4. Bullet points are recommended to list your skills and qualities (e.g Languages: English, French; Computer Literate).
5. If your CV is not easily understandable try to add a little personal touch (e.g Achievements: Awarded Employee of the Month x3; Public Speaking).

6. Use best CV builder to get your cv format in professiona way.


Key Takeaways:

1. Write your CV in a chronological order.
2. If you are unsure about something, think about what you could add or delete to make the CV clearer.
3. Keep it simple and use the basics of grammar and spelling.
4. Don't overload your CV with information, neither with unnecessary details!
5. If you are not sure which section to include, consider your previous work experience and skills.
6. Ensure that your CV is neat and professional looking! No dust anywhere!